WITH LOVE AS OUR CORE MOTIVATION, we believe that the KNOWLEDGE of God leads to an UNDERSTANDING of God paving way to a DEEP RELATIONSHIP with God.

WE PROVIDE PEOPLE WITH AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DEEP STUDY – a place to think, love, and engage with Scripture. Debating and wrestling is safe here with God’s truth as an anchor.


We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things – that He is good and kind, and the source of all truth.
We believe that God continuously reveals Himself to us through His creation, His people, His Son – Jesus., His Spirit, and through Scripture. He has made Himself accessible to all people, as we were all created in His image. We believe that He desires to be in relationship with each one of us, and because of that, He has made Himself to be approachable in the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
We believe that the Bible is inspired by God and is inerrant. While absolutely true, we believe that there is room for wrestling with his Word. We believe that wrestling with SCripture can lead us to a right view of God, producing within each one of us hope that is stronger than our circumstances, which causes us to act in love toward one another so that God’s Kingdom might be recognized here, now, and forevermore.

We are ordinary people – ordinary people with a passion for Jesus and for others to know Him too. We all have gifts – God-given gifts that we continue to learn, practice, and refine. Some of these gifts are in teaching and organizing, while others are in leading and serving. We all are different, but at the end of the day, we come together as a team, collaboratively, for a common goal – to help us all to know who God really is.
We love our team and all the quirkiness we each bring to the table – never letting a day at the office become boring. We have passions that push each of us as individuals and also bring us together as a group.
And we all love Jesus – each of us striving to know him more richly. We don’t have all the answers, but we have all committed to an endless pursuit of knowing him more, through research, questions, relationship, prayer, and even wrestling with what we read in Scripture. Our team is the best. We learn from each other, we challenge each other, and we push each other to be even better. The work that we do together has changed us – and we genuinely hope that the work we do makes a difference in your life too.